The code used below was able to boot past the board, in fact on termux it sees the iso and prompts for you to press any key (i think we can mod these isos with MODWIN once we figure out how to use them properly. Since we don't have full system read and write, we need to install termux storage module to be able to access the downloads folder on the device with code. I'm using this version of wsa but I think you could do it on regular? Anywho. (I theorize now it is due to nox being android 9 and wsa 12, so firmware related, but don't Know) Fast forward a year later, WSA is running better and now is able to run termux and install qemu-aarch64 without failing to the sys-NDK package. You may or may not know that Nox cannot run aarch64 qemu and at the time I did not know why. if you want to replace nethunter terminal with termux (not completely nethunter main app will still launch nethunter terminal everytime for any operation but you can access kali chroot environment from termux. Enter the emulators for premade building. So my android device doesn't have enough space for me to test a full build (with iso from scratch, could likely push a premade to it for testing or in a few days get a secondary storage option). Navigate to Device Drivers -> Network Device Support -> Wireless LAN and make the following selections: select Atheros/Qualcomm devices (CONFIGWLANVENDORATHy) select Atheros HTC based wireless cards support (CONFIGATH9KHTCy) select Linux Community AR9170 802.11n USB support (CONFIGCARL9170y) select Atheros mobile.